Making the right to Quality Education a reality for all
There is extensive research demonstrating the existence and persistence of educational inequalities, which affect mostly students from vulnerable groups (including ethnic minorities, students from low SES, migrants, students with disabilities, girls or LGBTI+ students). Nevertheless, there is also a body of literature demonstrating effective solutions and successful actions that are reversing such inequalities.
REVERS-ED will study existing educational interventions, practices and actions that have
been proven to be successful in reversing inequalities in diverse contexts, with a particular focus on their longitudinal impact. Such scientific evidence will provide an in-depth understanding of how these successful actions are reversing inequalities through education and, therefore, it will contribute to transferring them to more and diverse contexts. In this way, on the shoulders of giants, REVERS-ED will advance towards the dream of making Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education a reality for all children.
To map and analyze thechniques used to assess inequalities in education, training and learning achivements over time, identifying their main strenghts and weakness.
To map existing longitudinal datasets in Europe (both national and regional) on learning outcomes and identify those that allow for an analysis of trends in educational inequalities.
To study cohorts of students in primary and secondary education over time through existing longitudinal data, focusing on the learning outcomes achieved and the trends in educational inequalities.
To identify educational interventions that are effective in improving learning outcomes and compensating for and reversing inequalities over time.
To propose methological improvements for longitudinal data collection and analysis on learning outcomes that enhance the analysis of educational performance and educational inequalities over time, guiding policymaking to improve performance and reduce inequalities.
To identify conditions for the transferability of effective interventions into national and European policies to compensate for and reverse inequalities in learning outcomes, advancing towards more inclusive and resilient educational systems.
To disseminate and promote the transfer of the succesful educational interventions identified in the project to increase educational outcomes and reduce inequalities.
To ensure excellent management of the research process during the lifespan of the project in terms of its scientific soundess, overall technical management, and ethical research conduct.
Research Pills
Co-creation in numbers
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Governo de Portugal